Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sometimes I Draw God Wrong.

I know I'm not supposed to blog more than once a day... but...

This is my blog, and I will do as I please.

Here's the thing.

I'm wrong a whole stinkin' lot of the time.

I really, really, really don't like being wrong.

I like being right. I like having the correct answers. And sometimes, in the selfish more-present-than-it-should-be part of me, I like being right to make other people wrong.

My fear of being wrong has kept me from blogging lately. And every time I DO blog, I find myself terrified to check for comments, fearing that I was wrong and that someone pointed it out and that I may have (in the not-so-selfish part of my brain) taught something wrong and messed someone else up and deserve a rock tied to my neck so I can be dropped out of a plane over the Gulf of Mexico and then choke on oil there with a pelican.(And that's BIBLICAL. Aside from the oil-in-the-gulf-and-choking-on-next-to-a-pelican thing.)

This is what I was worrying about when I posted the last blog. I was worried that something I said there wasn't "right". And that I would mess someone up (ok, honestly, I was more worried that I'd be wrong and someone would call me on it than I was that it would mess me up.)

It just so happens that I follow Shaun Groves on Twitter. And he tweeted a link to his blog. The title, "God with Brown Shoes" intrigued me and I wanted a wonderful distraction from the chaos that has become today (which you can read about here..).

The blog  was about how sometimes Shaun Groves is afraid to write because he'll say something wrong about God. I had to smile, because I'm pretty sure God had just winked at me. He said that he was pondering this thought, about how we are ALL heretics because no words or pictures or music could encompass who God is. As he was thinking about that, he looked and saw a drawing that his daughter had drawn. This is what he wrote about his daughter's drawing: "To an art critic it’s atrocious. As a form of photo ID it’s useless. But to me, her Daddy, the model for this piece, the recipient of this gift, the object of her affection, it’s beautiful."

I almost cried when I read that.

Another of my favorite quotes is: "the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. " (props to Thomas Merton for writing that)

That's all I'm really after. Pleasing my Abba.

I can't promise that I will offer the right view of God. I don't always see Him correctly, but I'm learning how to draw better from the arms of my Papa.

P.S. As I wrote this (I'm using notepad because I don't have internet at this particular moment and my Microsoft Word trial ended and I was too lazy to put the code in), I kept putting in note (Emily, *insert something that can only be done with the interwebz*). Just thought that'd amuse you.


  1. Awesome baby!!! I really love your blogging. I've read them all since your arrival. I'm really glad you were able to go with Bob and Mike the other day up the mountain. How do you like Bob's straight forwardness? I love it! He doesn't sugar coat anything. To me, that's the best part. Also, have you ever met anyone in your life that knows the word of God any better than Bob? Hope you continue to have a GREAT summer. I sure wish I was there with you. Maybe next year. Please tell Bob and Joyce hello. Love ya. Greg

  2. I really like that second quote. :)

  3. This is Patricia. So you know.

    I know this a REALLY old blog. But I'm in this tiny cubby-hole type area, surrounded on three sides by walls, in a place at Bellarmine University called the Thomas Merton Center. And in this center, there are copies of every single one of Thomas Merton's books. And I knew that I'd seen your quote before, because when I first read it, it touched me as well.

    So kudos to you, EmM. And by the way...the rest of your blogs have moved me, as well.


If you honestly expect me to blog more. Comment. Trust me.