My brain has been going nonstop (more than usual..) lately. There's just been so much to process, so much to go through. So this blog post might be more than a little scattered. I will try to let you follow. Good luck.
First things first. Spring break is not good for my routine. Especially carefully crafted routines that keep me doing what I need to be doing. I'm actually really looking forward to going back to school. My most important routine had been to wake up early in the morning and read my Bible. On a typical morning, my alarm will go off at 5:45 and I will do my best to be out of bed by 5:55. I read my Bible until about 6:30 in the morning, which is when I actually start getting ready. I regret to say it, but this has been one thing that has slipped.
I can really, really tell when it slips. I'm just not the same. I'm more lethargic and cranky and easily stressed and just not as Emily-like. I would open up my Bible and try to do my reading, but ultimately, I'd get distracted and it'd just never get done. I have felt very guilty about it, and intend on doing better (especially once school starts!)
Other stuff:
SWORD meetings!
The SWORD Creative Discipleship Team is a group of young adults who are training to be (and being!) leaders in our own communities and wherever God takes us. We each use our own distinct gifts to add to the team, and I think it's fantastic. We're all from a bunch of different churches, but we love each other. I've spent every Friday night for the last month or so with them, and I just love it. I love having people that I feel comfortable coming to with anything, who are more than willing to point out my mistakes. I love learning from people my own age. And, I think they love me too. We had a lock in last week and we all shared our testimonies and stopped feeling like strangers. Then this week we spontaneously decided to invade Amy's house, and I ended up staying up all night talking to her about everything under the sun. (Seriously... I'm trying to figure out how everything we talked about lasted 8 hours... at the same time, I'm trying to figure out how it didn't last longer than that.) It was great. I finally found someone whose brain works like mine does!!
What else.
I hate wasps. I really really do. There aren't many things that I hate, but I truly think that wasps were sent from Satan to torture me. Evil, evil creatures. I've been stung twice over spring break, and I'm terrified of them. This is the interesting thing. I feel safe as long as I'm covered with something. I have this ridiculously thin jacket that I'll put on, and it makes me FEEL safe. I don't get it. Logically, the wasp can still sting me. But. I don't think like that once it's on. Once it's on I'm no longer exposed and my brain says I'm safe. It's quite odd. It makes me wonder how many other facadic (is that even a word? of a facade?) protections I have. How many things make me feel safe, but really offer no protection at all? Interesting. Worth exploring. Remind me to blog on this later.
Other new thing Emily has begun to do:
I'm trying to learn to play piano. I love the way it sounds and the way it feels. I just want to be able to worship God without having to have the right words. Just to say "God, this is for You. I don't know what else to say, so let me play for you." (Little Drummer Boy... haha.) I love it because you don't have to have words to go with it. You can just let go. (For more understand, please see my post about my brain. It's 3 blogs down.) I want to be able to worship like that. And it sounds pretty. Anyway, I've been trying to learn. I've been praying that God would help me and bless my efforts. It hasn't been "easy" by any means, as it's a completely new language, but I find it absolutely fascinating. It enchants me. Maybe one day I'll be able to really play and just enjoy it. But I did get a new piano today, courtesy of Amy and Kelsea! Kelsea got a new one, and let me have the old one. She's pretty. Her name is Clementine.
Okay, now you're probably bored. So I'll shut up now.
I leave for Honduras in 46 days :) WOOT!
Em! :)
Yay for new pianos! Playing is so much fun, you'll love it! :) I hadn't played in a long time, but I started again recently, and I didn't realize how much I had missed it...