I have a friend.
My friend is beautiful, intelligent, and challenging.
My friend can be difficult to be around.
My friend challenges people's thinking. She wounds my assumptions. She takes my box, smashes it, and says "Look at the world around you."
My friend loves people for who they are. Even if they're gay, black, muslim, atheist, or different.
My friend doesn't understand how people can tell her which people are worth loving.
My friend fights for the rights of unborn babies with a passion that I never seem to see anymore.
My friend takes everything personally.
My friend gets judged pretty harshly sometimes.
My friend isn't a "church person."
My friend tells me when I've been stupid. We have this conversation a lot.
My friend talks faster than any other person I've ever met. Ever.
My friend speaks with confidence and intelligence.
My friend isn't the type to leave people.
My friend's heart breaks for other people, for babies in foreign countries without food, for women in abusive places, for children in broken homes, and for anyone who's known too much pain.
My friend spends time outside, just because seeing the world and fresh air keeps her sane.
My friend isn't really that sane, but it's not really a bad thing.
My friend is driven.
My friend shows me God's love in ways I've never thought about it, and in ways I've never experienced.
Some days, like today, I feel entirely too blessed to have my friend. :) She knows who she is, and I just love her. I am so blessed to know someone like this.
It's amazing the way you can find me amazing when I find me to be so boring.