Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And I thought *I* was supposed to be the teacher.. *sigh*

Angel and Jesus are busy doing their homework (which we just had a big fight over. Angel did NOT want to write.) They have 1st grade lined notebooks, the kind with the top and bottom lines, plus the middle dotted line. Anyway, for their "homework", I write down some words and then they have to copy them on the other lines. (there's only 6 lines..) Every time I do this, I have to be extra careful with how I write. I print much, much better than I would if they weren't going to be copying it.

I know that the quality of my work has a direct effect on the quality of theirs. I know that my work is a model for theirs. They're still learning how to write, and so what they learn now will have an effect on how they write for the rest of their lives.

As I was writing out one of their homeworks, and I was meticulously writing out the letters, I was thinking about how I never pay this much attention to my writing any other time.

How many other people am I really modeling for, without even being aware of it? 

Mike and I were talking about this, about how people were watching me (all the while he was giving me that "I know something you don't and I'm not going to tell you about it.) and always watching us. To be honest, the idea of someone using ME as their  example of how to do ANYTHING scares me. I don't feel qualified to be the "model" for anyone. But we are examples. We are all examples to one another.

Makes me wonder: How much better of a person would I be if really lived like everyone I knew was watching? 

There are all of these people that I'm influencing, whether I want to or not, and sometimes, I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.

The next thing I learned from giving homework: It's not always about the answers. Angel finished his writing assignment, and I asked Angel to read the words to me. He looked at it, and said "Egg!"

Egg was the word printed on the page. But I knew that he didn't know it because he read the word. They have this habit of looking at the first sound and guessing from there, just hoping they'll land on the right answer. I made him sound out the word, and tell me what the letters were.

I realized then that sometimes learning how to figure it out is much more important than the answer itself. It's interesting, I was reading a book by Brian McLaren, A New Kind of Christian, and he said something similar.

The quote said something like this: "What good is a math book if you just look at the answers in the back? You never really learn how to do math. You don't learn from the answers.. you learn from figuring out the problems. Maybe that's the way the Bible is too. Maybe it's not to give you the answers, but to help you figure out the problems."

(Friends of mine who have this book, Greg Crider, John and Nancy Hill, and NJ, feel free to post the exact quote.)

Jesus especially does this. When he doesn't know something, he'll just keep guessing. Saying number after number or letter after letter or word after word hoping that he lands on the right answer, while I'm trying to show him how to get the right answer. He will guess numbers without even looking at the problem. I have to tell him, "Look at the problem, Jesus. Look at it. Now tell me."

I have to stop him and make him look.

I think I've been guilty of just throwing out guesses to God, instead of looking at what He's asking and letting Him show me, I just throw at guesses trying to get the right answer. The guesses get us nowhere.


  1. I was very much enjoying your post until I got to one part. I was absolutely mortified to find that you were reading A New Kind of Christian by Brian McLaren or anything by him for that matter & quoting him in such a quote which is itself so obviously against the truth as I elaborate on below. I believe somehow, due to the deceptive language of his books, you do not know what he actually states he believes or you would not be reading, quoting, or recommending his teachings. I do not in any way want to come over like I know everything or think I am anything as I am nothing & Christ & His Word are everything, but I have to warn you as the scripture demands I do of false teachers & if you read what I have written, I believe you will have little choice but to agree.

    But Mr. McLaren is an emergent church leader who does not believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven, that being saved is being saved from God's damnation, that homosexuality is a sin or homosexual marriage is a negative thing, that scripture is the basis for truth & morality, that there is absolute truth or "right thinking" [and to believe you know anything is absolutely true (even from Scripture) is arrogant & errant], that there is a literal hell or any literal negative future judgment, that God is masculine & that Father & Son are proper terms used to refer to God the Father & God the Son [despite the Hebrew & the Greek disagreeing with him], that being a committed Hindu [speaking of Ghandi] who followed Christ but chose to never identify himself with Christ
    would be a deterrent to actually being a Christian or a great leader, and so many more that it tires me to even read or study his beliefs any further.

    I will place some of his quotes here as proof of what I say and to warn you & others to develop a discernment that recognizes false teachers who refuse sound scriptural doctrine & give heed to fables & deliver their messages to those whose ears are ripe to be tickled with myths. I don't believe that is you, so I find it surprising & hope you were simply not aware of the apostasy of his beliefs. If anyone comes preaching any other gospel than what Paul & the apostles preached, let them be accursed be they angel or human. This is what these exact quotes of his show he does & they are NOT out of context with his overall teachings, despite at times having to say other things to avoid directly being branded a heretic. Brian McLaren quotes-

    "For too many people the name Jesus has become a symbol of exclusion, as if Jesus' statement
    'I am the way, and of the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me' actually means, 'I am in the way of people seeking truth and life. I won't let anyone get to God unless he comes through me."

    "Being saved means not saved from hell: "In the Bible, save means ‘rescue’ or ‘heal’. It emphatically does not mean ‘save from hell’ or ‘give eternal life after death,’ as many preachers seem to imply in sermon after sermon."

    "I must add, though, that I don't believe making disciples must equal making adherence to the Christian religion. It may be advisable in many(not all!) circumstances to help people become followers of Jesus and remain within their Buddhist, Hindu, or Jewish contexts. This will be hard, you say, and I agree. But frankly, it's not at all easy to be a follower of Jesus in many "Christian" religious context, either."

    "McLaren: Tony [Campolo] and I might disagree on the details, but I think we are both trying to find an alternative to both traditional Universalism and the narrow, exclusivist understanding of hell [that unless you explicitly accept and follow Jesus, you are excluded from eternal life with God and destined for hell]." CONTINUED-

  2. PART 2-

    "But what about heaven and hell? You ask. Is everybody in? My reply: Why do you consider me qualified to make this pronouncement? Isn't this God's business? Isn't it clear that I do not believe this is the right question for a national Christian to ask?"

    "Again, although I believe in Jesus as my personal savior, I am not a Christian for that reason. I am a Christian because I believe that Jesus is the Savior of the whole world."

    "Fourth, we should consider the possibility that many, and perhaps even all of Jesus’ hell-fire or end-of-the-universe statements refer not to postmortem judgment but to the very historic consequences of rejecting his kingdom message of reconciliation and peacemaking. The destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 67-70 seems to many people to fulfill much of what we have traditionally understood as hell."

    "Asked at a conference last spring what he thought about gay marriage, Brian McLaren replied, "You know what, the thing that breaks my heart is that there's no way I can answer it without hurting someone on either side."

    "Frankly, many of us don't know what we should think about homosexuality. We've heard all sides but no position has yet won our confidence so that we can say "it seems good to the Holy Spirit and us." That alienates us from both the liberals and conservatives who seem to know exactly what we should think. Even if we are convinced that all homosexual behavior is always sinful, we still want to treat gay and lesbian people with more dignity, gentleness, and respect than our colleagues do. If we think that there may actually be a legitimate context for some homosexual relationships, we know that the biblical arguments are nuanced and multilayered, and the pastoral ramifications are staggeringly complex. We aren't sure if or where lines are to be drawn, nor do we know how to enforce with fairness whatever lines are drawn."

    "This is as good a place as any to apologize for my use of masculine pronouns for God in the previous sentence. You'll notice that wherever I can, I avoid the use of masculine pronouns for God because they can give the false impression to many people today that the Christian God is a male deity."

    "The masculine biblical imagery of 'Father' and 'son' also contributes to the patriarchalism or chauvinism that has too often characterized Christianity, maybe even more significantly than the pronoun problem."

    One of the most disturbing I have found is his endorsement of a book by Alan Jones called Reimagining Christianity. McLaren wholeheartedly approves of the book and yet in this book, Alan Jones says that the vicarious atonement of Christ is not a vital doctrine. He casts strong doubt over the Bible's reliability, denies the virgin birth, says Christianity is sadomasochistic, affirms evolution, and sees religions such as Islam and Buddhism as equally valid compared to Christianity. How could any true born-again Christian support the book Reimagining Christianity? But here is what he said about it-

    "'It used to be that Christian institutions and systems of dogma sustained the spiritual life of Christians. Increasingly, spirituality itself is what sustains everything else. Alan Jones is a pioneer in reimagining a Christian faith that emerges from authentic spirituality. His work stimulates and encourages me deeply.' –– Brian D. McLaren, pastor ( and author of A New Kind of Christian"


  3. PART 3-

    I have references & websites & sources for all of these quotes & would be glad to further them to anyone reading this who wishes to challenge my assertion of Mr. McLaren as a false teacher. How much leaven does it take to leaven the whole lump, how much deception do you have to have to be one we shouldn't learn from, 10%, 20%, 30%, 90%? We don't all have everything down or every answer, but the core doctrines of the New Testament have not changed. The Bible is to find the questions & the answers, the exact answers. Col 4:6 NLT tells us "Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone." In four scriptures, we are told to actually avoid certain questions which are not helpful (1 Tim 1:4, 6:4, 2 Tim 2:23, Titus 3:9). Believing & obeying right doctrine saves, believing wrong doctrine damns. Some quotes from the only source of absolute truth-

    Jhn 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. Mat 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

    1 Tim 4:16 "Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you."

    Rom 6:17-18 "But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.

    Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness."

    2 Thess 2:9-12 KJV - 9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all
    deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

    2 Pet 2:1-9 NKJV - 1 "But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. 4 For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast [them] down to hell and delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; 5 and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, [one of] eight [people], a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly; 6 and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned [them] to destruction, making [them] an example to those who afterward would live ungodly; 7 and delivered righteous Lot, [who was] oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked 8 (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented [his] righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing [their] lawless deeds)-- 9 [then] the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment."

    Inside, I sincerely want to believe you love truth & by the Spirit will evaluate what I have written & come to the conclusion God would have you come to about this man & his teachings. I am not the judge of all truth, but the Spirit of God judging by the Word of God is the final judge.

    Love in Christ & in truth,
    Chris Wood

  4. ^I didn't know that someone holding a different opinion than you made them a heretic. Interesting.


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