Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Not Much To Say On Snow Day #2.

Except this "snow" is getting kinda ridiculous. I'm thrilled to be out of school again, but too many of these and my summer will have to be pushed back. Not cool. Not cool at all.

Which brings me to another point, the school system is ripping us all off on this whole school calender thing. They took out the extra WEEK for spring break, and didn't put it back anywhere that I can find. It's unfair. So, not only do I have to go to school earlier, it ends later, and my breaks are shorter. what's up with that? *sigh* But I digress. Nothing I can do. At least, this is the last they will be able to do that. Why? Because next year is SENIOR YEAR!!! :D Creepy, huh? In a year and a couple months, I'll be graduated from high school. Boy how time flies. Pretty sure both my parents are thrilled. However, they will probably be even MORE thrilled when I choose a college and hopefully line up enough scholarships that they won't have to pay too much.

What else. Let's see. *thinks*. I've been working on a project for a dear friend of mine lately. She's gonna love it. She gets very hung up on knowledge, and with a little prodding around in her brain, I discovered that she didn't really know anything about the history surrounding the Bible. I've taken it upon myself to provide her with an extensive amount of background information, all wonderfully organized and whatnot. The plan is magnificent, the execution, however, is rather tedious. Even if it is very informative and I'm learning a whole lot.

We started a new project in art, and I get to do more FINGER PAINTING. I LOVE to finger paint. I love getting messy and the feeling of the canvas and the gooey paint. I LOVE fingerpainting. I think it is magical. Mrs.  Carter thinks I should use a brush, but I am adamant and told her I'd pay for the extra canvas if it turned out horribly and I had to do it over again. She grunted and agreed. :) 

That's it for a while. But I'd like to thank everyone who commented/read my last post. :) Especially those of you who disagreed/pointed out the things of which I didn't think. I read and contemplate every comment, and I try to respond.


  1. I wish I'd had snow days when I was in school.

    Or maybe I don't. I hate snow.


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