Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just a Thought

Why do we have a whole holiday for Martin Luther King Jr., leader of the black rights movement, but not one for someone like Susan B Anthony, leader of the women's rights movement? Makes me wonder. Anyway. I have to continue writing my testimony for the 23rd. Which just MIGHT be the busiest day of my whole life. Just sayin'. Oh, and to start writing a talk (or sermon, which nancy says I have to call it) for the wednesday after the 23rd (the 27th) because I'm speaking that day too. Fannnnnnnnnnntastic. Maybe one day I'll get good at this stuff, eh?


  1. I'm praying for you as you plan/prepare/share your testimony. I'm AMAZED that you're already startign to write it. You are so much better than me!!

    by the way - Did you see? You WON the coffee at the VWM!!! Congrats!!!

  2. I saw!! And I finished mine today, but I have to do mine a week sooner than you do, so I think we're pretty much on the same scale. I'm supposed to be revising it right now, but I'm not...haha.

    By the way, did you see? I'm pimping your blog out to the masses too! You made it into my stalk list!

  3. I was going to tell you why there's a holiday for MLK but not Susan B Anthony, but I decided it would be inappropriate for your blog, lol.

    According to some random website, today was Susan B Anthony day because it's her birthday, but it doesn't seem fair to me that she should have to share a holiday with the presidents. So I veto that website.


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